Neither Jang Min-jae nor Hanwha, who accompanied him for 15 years, could let go of his tight grip, agreed to renew a three-year FA contract

It is hard to imagine a team uniform other than the Hanwha Eagles. Starting with the Eagles, Jang Min-jae (33), a veteran pitcher, has agreed on a free agent contract with Hanwha. It has been about a month since the FA was announced on April 18.

The deal is expected to last up to three years with a total of 700 million won to 800 million won. The deal is less than Jang Si-hwan (36, three years, 930 million won), who renewed his contract last winter. Hanwha let catcher Choi Jae-hoon (34, five years, 5.4 billion won) remain in the offseason in 2021. It has set up an internal FA for three consecutive years.

Hanwha presented the terms of the contract to Jang Min-jae last month and waited for an answer. It took time for the two sides to reach an agreement.

Neither Jang Min-jae nor Hanwha could let go of their tight grip.

Jang Min-jae, a graduate of Gwangju Jeil High School, joined the team in 2009 through the second and third round draft picks. He has been a Hanwha player for 15 years. He has been in Daejeon Baseball Stadium for the longest time among the current Hanwha players. Oh Sun-jin (34), who joined the team in 2008, one year earlier than Jang Min-jae, moved to Lotte Giants through the second draft held last month.

Since 2009, when Jang Min-jae became a professional player, Hanwha has played fall baseball only once in 2018. It was when Han Yong-deok led his team. In the same year, Jang started 22 out of 26 games and pitched 119 ⅓ innings. He recorded six wins and eight losses.

When he joined in 2009, Hanwha ranked eighth among the eight teams. It has placed last eight times in 15 seasons so far this year.

He went through a long dark period with his whole body, and he continues to be with the flying team. To beat Ryu Hyun-jin, 36, a close senior who will return someday

While you’re ironing it.

He struggled in the last season when his team hit rock bottom. He pitched in 32 games (25 starts) and pitched 126 ⅔ innings, his professional record. He won seven games and lost eight with an ERA of 3.55, posting the most wins in his team and setting a career high.

Immediately after the opening, the two foreign pitchers left due to injury, and seized the opportunity that came. “I was always preparing to start,” he said. A veteran who has experienced both starters and middle pitchers led the starting lineup with his skill. 월카지노

In January, he renewed his annual salary for 115 million won. He returned to his annual salary of 100 million won after three years. It was the highest amount in 15 years as a professional.

However, his performance this season was sluggish ahead of the FA. He started this season as a starting pitcher, and his registration in the main league was canceled twice due to lackluster performance. He gave up the starting pitcher and went back to the bullpen. He pitched 69 innings, half of last year, with three wins, eight losses and one hold in 25 games. It was a frustrating season.

I am nearing my mid-30s. It is embarrassing to talk about his prime time. However, Jang’s fork ball and ball control are still alive and well. Both Jang and Hanwha needed each other.

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