K7 Changwon GDB Kim Geun-bin’s first goal of the season is the winning goal

 Gyeongnam Changwon-si GDB’s Kim Geun-bin confirmed the K7 League championship with his first goal of the season.

The 2023 season K7 Changwon Special City Division League ended with the game on the 15th. Gyeongnam Changwon-si GDB won 3-2 over Gyeongnam Changwon-si Bonglim FC and confirmed the championship.

Changwon GDB led the game by scoring two goals in the first half. However, they conceded a goal shortly after the start of the second half, and were in danger of conceding another goal five minutes later. In an instant, the atmosphere of the two teams completely changed.

10 minutes before the end of the game, Kim Geun-bin, who plays as a center back for Changwon GDB, scored a key goal with a mid-range shot. The score rose to 3-1. Afterwards, Changwon Bonglim FC scored a penalty kick (PK) to make up for the loss, but the game was not overturned.토토사이트

Kim Geun-bin’s winning goal played a decisive role in helping Changwon GDB secure the championship. Moreover, Kim Geun-bin’s goal that day was also his first goal this season. In the end, Kim Geun-bin was selected as the MVP of the last round of the Changwon Special K7 League.

Kim Geun-bin recalled the time, “I received the ball, but there was no place to give it to. So I thought about taking a shot. When it hit my foot, it felt good. It was a thrill to see it go into the goal.” After returning from the game, Changwon GDB colleagues congratulated Kim Geun-bin by splashing water on him.

In addition, Kim Geun-bin said, “There were a lot of problems starting with the composition of the players. Many players were injured and could not play. There was not even a goalkeeper. So, there was no choice, but the player who was usually in charge of left defense hurriedly became the goalkeeper. Even in difficult situations, the game was played. “I was able to finish well thanks to the confidence of my teammates,” he said.

Changwon GDB named its team after the abbreviation for ‘Golden Bell’. The team is mainly made up of people born in 1995, and the unity is said to be strong as people of the same age come together. Kim Geun-bin said, “This is a team made by friends. We’ve seen each other for a long time. I know the characteristics of each player very well. “It definitely helps when playing,” he said with pride.

Changwon GDB achieved the 2023 season K7 Changwon Special City championship in the first year of challenging the division league. The moment the championship was confirmed, the Changwon GDB team held a victory ceremony by unfurling a self-made banner.

Lastly, Kim Geun-bin said, “Our team has many former players and the overall level is high. If they keep their guard up in the playoffs, they will have a chance at promotion. “We must get promoted,” he pledged.

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