Hwang proved it. The problem is Jeong Mong-gyu, step down

There is no end to the fall of Korean soccer. There is no end to it. The main body of the fall is holding out.

Recently, there was a scandal involving coach Jurgen Klinsmann in Korean soccer. Korean soccer has been embroiled in a huge controversy. The incompetent coach, who ignored Korea and put more effort into his fame than he did, ruined Korean soccer. Shocking elimination of semifinal match at the 2023 Asian Cup. Then, Korean soccer called for change and reform. The symbolic message was used to dismiss Klinsmann.

The Korea Football Association (KFA) has promised to set up a new national championship committee and start anew. What has changed? The situation has remained the same. No, it has fallen even deeper. I have seen many scenes like this. The same repertoire, now I am tired of it. The fact that they have come up with the same scenario for a long time speaks to their incompetence.  

The more aggressive the KFA is, the more certain it becomes. A change in the downstream never changes the whole thing. To change the whole thing, you have to grind the top water. There is no other way.

The Asian Cup shock was just the beginning. The Korean soccer team has failed to advance to the Olympic finals for the first time in 40 years. It has failed to advance to the Olympic finals for 10 consecutive times. It is a catastrophe. It is a disaster and humiliation. It is the worst situation in Korean soccer history. Whose responsibilities are they? Jeong Hae-sung, chairman of the Korean Augmentation Committee, who pushed for the concurrent position of A team and the Olympic team, and Hwang Seon-hong, coach of the Korean national team, cannot be avoided. They should undress themselves.

What would be the difference, however, if they take off their clothes and are filled with other characters? The situation remains the same. There is only one conclusion. There is only one way. Chung Mong-gyu, chairman of the Korea Football Association, should step down.

Hwang left a big stain on the history of Korean soccer. Ironically, however, he presented a solution for reforming Korean soccer. He proved that the crisis in Korean soccer is not solely due to Clinsman’s problems. It was not Hwang’s problem. He was not the only one. The shock was just a stain that passed by, and he had another essence. He thus clearly announced this core to the world after failing to advance to the Olympic finals. 

It was a rotten KFA problem that closed its ears to the voices around it and led it, and clearly proved that the fall of Korean soccer will not stop as long as there is Chairman Chung, no matter if other coaches come, no matter who comes, no matter who comes.

The answer came out. The problem is not only Clines. It is not Chairman Chung, nor Hwang. The problem is Chairman Chung. Everyone knows that. If Chairman Chung does not change, this problem cannot be solved. Now there is no denying it. It is time to admit it. Chairman Chung did as much as he could. The time has come to step down. 

Clinsman’s failure, Hwang’s failure, Chung’s failure and his failure to advance to the Olympic finals are all calling for loud and loud voices. “Stop stepping down now.” They are desperate voices calling for the government to prevent the Korean soccer community from being further damaged by Chung’s incompetence. 스포츠토토

If left unchecked, the history of Korean soccer’s collapse will continue. “We can cross a river that we will never return to.” This could be our last chance. How far will Korean soccer fall? Is it our turn to advance to the World Cup finals.

When Chung steps down and a new era comes, the new administration can go through trial and error. Of course, the new administration is in a transitional period. It is hard to do well from the beginning. But you can have hope. There is even 1 percent hope. Therefore, they can wait for the transitional period and trial and error. They will be happier than now when hopelessness is confirmed. I’m sure.

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