betrayer!” ‘Going to Saudi Arabia’ Liverpool star deeply hurt by sexual minority criticism… The club didn’t want me

I was really hurt by the criticism of my trip to Saudi Arabia.”

Former Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson confessed that he was greatly hurt by the criticism from fans after wearing the Saudi Arabian RET Park uniform in this summer transfer window.

Henderson has been at the forefront of advocating for the human rights of LGBTQ+ sexual minorities, including homosexuality, at Liverpool, but was criticized by fans when he moved to an Arab country that punishes homosexuality with the death penalty.

In an interview with The Athletic on the 6th (Korean time), Henderson expressed his sincerity, saying, “I never intended to hurt anyone. My intention has always been to help people’s causes and the community.”

“I care about the causes and communities I have been involved in,” he said. “All I can say is I apologize and I’m sorry for making you feel that way. But as a person, I haven’t changed,” he said emphatically.

“I’ve done more than I can to help the LGBTQ community,” Henderson said. “I’ve worn rainbow shoelaces, tattooed messages on armbands, told them I’ll use my profile to help, and that’s all I’ve tried to do.” “It breaks my heart to hear, ‘You betrayed us.’ I have friends and family in the LGBTQ community,” she said.

After announcing the transfer to RET Park, the club released a video of Henderson’s career on social media, but the rainbow armband appeared to be grayed out, which fans criticized. Henderson also expressed concerns about respect for other cultures and religions, saying, “I didn’t know anything until the video was released. It’s difficult for me to know and understand everything. Because it’s part of religion.” He said, “If my wearing a rainbow armband means disrespecting their religion, that’s not right either. Everyone should respect each other’s religion and culture.”

As for what prompted his decision to go to Saudi Arabia, Henderson said he was attracted to the possibility of developing the sport he loves in another country, adding that “burying your head in the sand” and criticizing other countries from afar won’t change anything. I said what I had to say.

Henderson also said that the main reason for the transfer was that he felt that Liverpool did not want him more than anything else. Henderson joined Liverpool from Sunderland youth in 2011, played in 492 games, wore the captain’s armband, and led Liverpool’s golden era by winning seven trophies, including the league, European Champions League, FA Cup, and League Cup. However, his standing at the club was shaken as he was not selected by manager Klopp last season. A string of signings at the start of the summer transfer window have further threatened Henderson’s position, leaving him feeling unsecured in his position at Liverpool. “If just one person in Liverpool had said to you, ‘We want you to stay’, we wouldn’t need to be talking about this,” Henderson said. “It’s not that anyone forced me out or said they wanted me to leave, but I’ve never felt like they wanted me to stay at the club,” he reiterated.소닉카지노

Henderson chose to go to Saudi Arabia and was guaranteed an astronomical salary. According to reports, Henderson is reportedly receiving 700,000 pounds per week, which is four times his Liverpool salary. However, Henderson dismissed public speculation that he chose to go to Saudi Arabia for money, saying, “Whether people believe me or not, I have never been motivated by money in my life or career. Not once.”

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