Best of 3 games → Best of 5 games, change to WKBL PO method… Strengthened fines

 WKBL changed the playoff format and foul penalties ahead of the new season.

Woori Bank Woori WON 2023-2024 women’s professional basketball begins on November 5 with the opening match between Asan Woori Bank and Busan BNK Some. Prior to the opening, WKBL announced two changes for the new season. One thing is changing the playoff format and strengthening foul penalties.

The playoffs will be changed from best-of-three to best-of-five. Last season’s playoffs ended in two games between 1st place Woori Bank and 4th place Incheon Shinhan Bank. The same goes for the match between 2nd place BNK and 3rd place Yongin Samsung Life Insurance.토스카지노 도메인

There were cases where the playoffs lasted up to 3 games, but you can’t shake the feeling that they are short when they end in 2 games. Accordingly, from the 2007-2008 season in WKBL, the format was changed back to the best-of-five format that was played in the 2011-2012 season. The matchups between 1st and 4th and 2nd and 3rd will not change.

A WKBL official said, “It was not a sudden decision, but we had been preparing for it for a long time. Among the games played in a season, the playoffs and championship games receive a lot of attention. In order to attract more attention, it was changed to a best-of-five format. “The matchup has not changed, but it has been changed so that fans can enjoy the game and enjoy the season longer,” he explained.

Penalties for fouls have also been strengthened. The existing fake foul penalty was 1 warning, 100,000 won for the 2nd time, 200,000 won for the 3rd time, and 300,000 won for 4 or more times. In the changed system, one warning is maintained, but the amount is increased by 100,000 won. It increased to 200,000 won for the 2nd time, 300,000 won for the 3rd time, and 400,000 won for 4 or more times.

In addition, the existing foul fines for technical fouls, failure to leave the stadium within 1 minute after the end of the first half or game, failure to comply with uniform standards, and participation in the game by players who have not been officially reported to the Ministry of Sports and Tourism have been strengthened from 100,000 won to 200,000 won.

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